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5 Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu

Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Beautifulclimber – There are abstinences that climbers should pay attention to when climbing Mount Lawu. This abstinence needs to be done in order to be safe while climbing the mountain.

Mount Lawu has a different charm than other mountains in Java. Some people call the mountain in East Java mystical.

Some climbers have even experienced strange things many times while climbing the mountain. Some are lost and there are many other cases that don't make sense.

The story of some mystical things is justified by Karanganyar's Head of Disparpora, Titis Sri Jawoto that many myths when climbing Mount Lawu for climbers.

Here are some abstinences, such as clothing and behaviors that should not be done while climbing Lawu:

Don't Want to Be Unwise

Must-Know Restrictions on climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Climbers should not have any ill will when it comes to climbing Mount Lawu. Nardi said bad intentions are not only prohibited when climbing Mount Lawu.

However, doing any activity must be preceded by good intentions.

He also said climbers should not focus on ambition to get to the top. Nardi calls the summit of Mount Lawu a climbing bonus.

No Kidding

Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Another rule is that climbers should not joke during climbing Mount Lawu. Nardi said all rules applied by the government should not override the customary rules that have been done through generations.

Titis also agreed with that. However, he analogous the ban on jokes on Mount Lawu to the possibility of climbers becoming uns concentration because they are too fun to get lost.

No Complaining

Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Other unwritten rules when climbing Mount Lawu are prohibited. Climbers should not complain of tiredness, cold, etc. Nardi reminds climbers to enjoy the climbing process to the top.

Every climber who wants to climb Mount Lawu through the climbing path of Ceto Temple, will be briefed. One of them is about estimated travel.

Avoid Mrutu Sewu Clothing

Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
When it comes to clothing, Titis said climbers should not wear any clothing or attributes with mrutu sewu motifs. Titis said the motif would become faint when it was among the trees.

That's according to the traditional philosophy. Actually if it's about believing not believing, but if logically for example it should not use the motive mrutu sewu.

That'll be if the climber is a little far from his friends can't be seen. Logically it makes sense and some believe it's not good to go up a mountain.

Don't Wear A Faded Green Shirt

Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Must-Know Restrictions on Climbing Mount Lawu
Finally, climbers should not wear clothes or attributes that are faded green. The green color resembles foliage. Nardi reveals that myth has evolved a long time ago.

If you wear attributes, the green clothes look like foliage, so when separated from the group will be difficult to find.

Nardi hopes climbers obey government rules. On the other hand, the unwritten rules of ancestral inheritance also cannot be abandoned.

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